

Define System Test Entrance and Exit Criteria

2013-08-14 17:43


System Test Entrance and Exit Criteria




entrance and exit criteria for system testing define the necessary hardware,
software, and resources required to effectively test and release an application
to the user acceptance stage. The entrance and exit criteria for system testing
should be identified within the Master Test Strategy, address potential risks
and suspension/resumption strategy.  The
goal of having entrance/exit criteria is to provide a means to check the status
of the project before moving it into the next phase/stage. It also serves as an
easy means for communicating expectations within the project team of the
requirements necessary for system testing.


guideline will provide an overview of the seven steps involved in the entrance
and exit criteria process for system testing. It is not enough to state the
criteria within the Master Test Plan. Rather, you must actively participate in
defining the activities associated with meeting the criteria, drive towards its
successful completion and manage risks if/when they arise. Examples will also
be provided so that you can tailor them to your specific project.


Step 1: Define
System Test Entrance and Exit Criteria


This step consists of not only identifying
what must be present to effectively begin system testing (entrance criteria)
but also determining the condition the system will be in when system test
completes (exit criteria). At a minimum, the entrance criteria should include a
condition that the business requirements with any subsequent change requests
are finalized and unit testing has completed with all critical and high defects
resolved. Likewise, the exit criteria should include the resolution of all
critical and high defects uncovered during system testing, and the execution of
all planned test scripts.


Because the success of system testing is
contingent on the quality of the Requirements, code, and the test Environment,
you must clearly define the system entrance criteria for each. Consider
developing checklists and conducting walkthroughs to validate the entrance
criteria. For example, when defining system test entrance criteria you should
incorporate activities such as requirements reviews, code inspections and
environment walk-through as follows.


Entrance Criteria


Note that these are
only examples and should be modified for your project. Checklists have been
provided in the latter parts of this document.



Criteria Description

Due Date

Actual Date





Requirements Review checklist complete







Unit/Integration tests complete via weekly Unit
Test Walk-through meetings







Environment support is procured to execute batch
cycles in the Test environment







Environment checklist and walk-through complete





tables, forms, screens,


Test scripts (including expected results), and
input parameters reviewed and approved







should incorporate these activities and deliverables within the Master Test
Plan under the system test entrance criteria. Append any checklists utilized to
the Master Test Plan.


Develop a Requirements
Review Checklist –
the entrance criteria within the Master Test Plan provide that the Requirements
review checklist must successfully be completed with all items marked as “Yes” 3
weeks prior to system build.


SAMPLE: Requirements Walk-Through






Completeness – Check for Omissions

Dangling Else –
Application must do “X.” Ask or else what?

Cause without Effect – A
confirmation message will appear after the user logs into the system. Ask
will the user then get automatically logged into the system? Where will they
be taken?

Effect without Cause –
User will receive a $20 check in the mail, 2 days after data is entered. Ask what
will generate this type of system response?





Ambiguity –

Uncertain Name Reference
–Uncertain Scope Reference – When a requirement states “A field +B field = C
field, the field must be positive.” Ask which field must be positive?

Missed Logical Operators –
If any “And” or “Or” statements, ensure the requirement is clear on whether
both or one item must occur.

Sentence Parts – For
nouns, verify all references to fields are named explicitly.  For adjectives, ensure words such as
“typically,” “usually” or “sometimes are not in the removed. 





Accuracy – Determine to what level of accuracy the requirement must be
tested. If a requirement states, “the forecast model will need to be
accurate.” Ask to what level of accuracy (dollars, cents)? Also determine how
the accuracy will be verified.





Relevancy – If a requirement states, data input areas must be secure
and require user login. Ask does the requirement apply to all





Requirements and change requests approved one week prior to system







Step 1: Define
System Test Entrance and Exit Criteria


Develop a Unit Test
Checklist and Establish Walk-Through meetings
– Expend the effort during the
entrance criteria definition step to clearly define the quality of code that
will be received. Consider the following activities:

Meet with the project team during Solution

Develop an Unit Test checklist similar to the one
provided below

Refer to the Unit Test checklist within the
Entrance criteria of the Master Test Plan and append it to the Master Test

Specify that all items in the Unit Test
Walk-Through checklist must be marked as “Yes” prior to system testing.


SAMPLE: UNIT Test Walk-Through





All Critical/High defects
resolved and retested




All Medium/Low defects reviewed
by project management, test lead, and development and determinations are made
on which defects require resolution prior to System Testing




Unit Tests Complete





Test documentation, including results, provided one business day prior to
Systems Testing




trained on application and available during system test




of service level agreement for defect resolution during system test:

  • Critical
    Defects – development response within 2 hours of defect reported
  • High Defects
    – development response within 4 hours of reporting
  • Medium/High
    Defects – development response within 8 hours of reporting







Develop the
Environment Checklist and Establish Environment Walk-Through –
Similar to the Unit
Test walk-through consider the following activities in defining the entrance
criteria for Test Environment:

Meet with the project team during Solution

Develop an Environment checklist similar to the one
provided below; and,

Refer to the Environment checklist within the
Entrance criteria of the Master Test Plan and append it to the Master Test

Specify that all items within the Environment
checklist must be marked as “Yes” 1 week prior to system testing.


SAMPLE: Environment Checklist





has been copied and smoke tested within the Test Environment 1 week prior to
System Testing and after any code changes.




data has been made available within the Test Environment 1 week prior to
system testing.




up copy of code and test data created after smoke tests.




Test documentation, including results, provided four business days prior to
Systems Testing




written communication to Test Lead/Manager prior to emergency code movements
with an assessment of any risks to the application tested.




support is procured to execute batch cycles in the Test environment




of any server maintenance activities to Test Lead and Test Manager minimum, 8
hours prior to implementation with an assessment of potential impact to




Maintenance activities to be conducted after 5pm PST with written
notification to Test Lead and Manager when server available.




of service level agreement for defect resolution during system test:

  • Critical
    Defects –  response within 2 hours
    of defect reported
  • High Defects
      response within 4 hours of
  • Medium/High
    Defects – response within 8 hours of reporting




configuration and documentation maintained and made available in a central
location accessible to Test Lead and Test Manager





exit criteria define the condition the application will be in after system
testing. The following example may be used. You should work amongst your project
team in assessing in defining the exit criteria and incorporate the definition
into the Master Test Plan.


Exit Criteria

  1. All test
    scripts with the appropriate input parameters executed
  2. Test scripts
    are updated as deemed necessary
  3. All critical/high
    severity defects are resolved and successfully retested
  4. System test
    results and metrics have been documented
  5. Test
    Lead/Coordinator with Project Management and Development will review open
    defects of medium and low severities and will determine which defects
    require resolution before exiting system test.


Step 2: Determine
if Entrance Criteria Met


The second step in the entrance and exit
criteria process requires a determination if the entrance criteria has been
met. This is a key step as it ensures the system is ready for testing. You
should review the entrance criteria as specified in Step 1, (Define System Test
Entrance and Exit Criteria), and determine whether the requirements are testable,
unit testing is complete, and test environment is configured and ready for
system test. The following sub tasks are suggested activities and should help
with determining whether the entrance criteria have been met.


A. Review the Requirements/Change Requests
for Testability
- You must expend the
effort to review the Requirements and any change requests. Work to resolve any
“No” items prior to system testing and if necessary proceed to step 3 if any
items are not resolved at least 3 weeks prior to system test.  


B. Conduct
Weekly Unit Test Review Meetings -
You should
conduct weekly checkpoints during the system build and review the status of
unit testing. Consider the following process for ensuring entrance criteria met
for unit testing:


Review the Unit Test Checklist during system build
during weekly meetings and confirm criteria have been met.

Go to Step 3 of the Entrance/Exit Criteria process,
if any items are assessed as “No” are not resolved prior to System testing.


Conduct Environment Review - You should also conduct an Environment review a week prior to system
testing to confirm entrance criteria met. Consider the following process for
reviewing the Environment:


Review the Environment Checklist one week prior to
testing and confirm criteria have been met.

Go to Step 3 of the Entrance/Exit Criteria process,
if any items are assessed as “No” are not resolved prior to System testing.


Step 3: Identify
Risk and Determine Mitigation Strategy


If the entrance criteria have not been met,
then you must collaborate within the project team and begin an assessment of
project risks including potential delays in scheduled testing timelines,
possible increase in test effort due to scope creep, resource availability, and
any impacts to software quality.


After you identify the risks, you should
also determine how they can be mitigated. For example, if the test environment
is unavailable, then you should assess whether decreasing the test effort,
adding more test resources, or extending timelines may mitigate the risk of not
having the test environment available at the start of system testing. If you
are able to successfully mitigate the risks identified, then you should go
directly to conducting the system test.


Step 4: Determine
System Suspension/Resumption Strategy


          If you are unable to mitigate the
risks identified in step 3, then you should make a determination regarding
whether system testing will need to be suspended until the issues identified
have been resolved. You may find this step necessary if the Environment has not
been setup, if required test hardware/software is unavailable, or critical/high
unit testing defects prevent system testing. You must ensure that if system
test has been suspended due to a failure of entrance criteria being met, then
you also communicate when system testing will be resumed. Any issues that
require escalation to project stakeholders should also be documented and


Step 5: Conduct
System Test


          When system entrance criteria have
been satisfied, then the next step in the process includes conducting the
system test as identified within the Master Test plan.


Step 6: Confirm
System Test Exit Criteria Met


            Upon the conclusion of system
testing, review the exit criteria and ensure at a minimum planned test scripts
have been executed and critical/high defects have been resolved. Should the
exit criteria fail to meet what was specified in step 1, then you’ll need to
repeat the risks identification process and ensure any exit criteria risks have
been mitigated.


Step 7: Communicate
System Test Complete


          The final step in the entrance/exit
criteria process is communicating system test complete. Ensure once all of the
exit criteria for system test have been addressed that you communicate to your
project team that the application has completed system test.




          The system testing entrance and exit
criteria process provides a means of communicating what must be met prior to
testing and releasing a system to its next stage. In documenting these
criteria, you ensure expectations are proactively shared within the project
team. You also provide a clear basis for assessing risks and ultimately the
consequences of those risks to the quality of system testing.









Total 1

  • 2012-10-19 03:16

    WOW .... a perfect article on this topic ... with all the needed detail .... special thanks for such a useful help (including the check lists and templates) .... extremely useful information given in detailed and comprehensive manner .... must read for all Testers/QAEs and QA TLs. thanks for sharing and best regards.

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