

Oracle9i Database Administrator Guide

Sky Driver
2017-01-19 12:17
Part I Basic Database Administration
1 The Oracle Database Administrator
Types of Oracle Users....... 1-2
Database Administrators................................. 1-2
Security Officers.......... 1-3
Network Administrators ................................. 1-3
Application Developers................................... 1-3
Application Administrators ............................ 1-4
Database Users............ 1-4
Tasks of a Database Administrator ..................... 1-4
Task 1: Evaluate the Database Server Hardware............................... 1-5
Task 2: Install the Oracle Software................. 1-5
Task 3: Plan the Database ................................ 1-5
Task 4: Create and Open the Database.......... 1-6
Task 5: Back Up the Database ......................... 1-7
Task 6: Enroll System Users ............................ 1-7
Task 7: Implement the Database Design ....... 1-7
Task 8: Back Up the Fully Functional Database ................................. 1-7
Task 9: Tune Database Performance .............. 1-8
Identifying Your Oracle Database Software Release............................. 1-8
Release Number Format .................................. 1-8
Checking Your Current Release Number ... 1-10
Database Administrator Security and Privileges ................................. 1-10
The Database Administrator’s Operating System Account ........... 1-10
Database Administrator Usernames............ 1-11
Database Administrator Authentication .......... 1-13
Administrative Privileges.............................. 1-13
Selecting an Authentication Method ........... 1-15
Using Operating System (OS) Authentication ................................. 1-17
Using Password File Authentication ........... 1-18
Creating and Maintaining a Password File...... 1-20
Using ORAPWD ....... 1-20
Setting REMOTE_LOGIN_ PASSWORDFILE.................................. 1-22
Adding Users to a Password File ................. 1-23
Maintaining a Password File......................... 1-24
Database Administrator Utilities....................... 1-26
SQL*Loader ............... 1-26
Export and Import .... 1-26
2 Creating an Oracle Database
Considerations Before Creating a Database ...... 2-2
Planning for Database Creation...................... 2-2
Meeting Creation Prerequisites ...................... 2-4
Deciding How to Create an Oracle Database ..................................... 2-4
Using the Database Configuration Assistant..... 2-5
Advantages of Using DBCA ........................... 2-6
Creating a Database Using DBCA.................. 2-7
Configuring Database Options ....................... 2-9
Deleting a Database Using DBCA.................. 2-9
Managing DBCA Templates ........................... 2-9
Using DBCA Silent Mode.............................. 2-13
Manually Creating an Oracle Database............ 2-14
Step 1: Decide on Your Instance Identifier (SID) ............................. 2-14
Step 2: Establish the Database Administrator Authentication Method.............................. 2-15
Step 3: Create the Initialization Parameter File ................................ 2-15
Step 4: Connect to the Instance ..................... 2-17
Step 5: Start the Instance................................ 2-17
Step 6: Issue the CREATE DATABASE Statement .......................... 2-18
Step 7: Create Additional Tablespaces ........ 2-20
Step 8: Run Scripts to Build Data Dictionary Views........................ 2-21
Step 9: Run Scripts to Install Additional Options (Optional)......... 2-21
Step 10: Create a Server Parameter File (Recommended) .............. 2-21
Step 11: Back Up the Database...................... 2-22
Understanding the CREATE DATABASE Statement .......................... 2-22
Protecting Your Database: Specifying Passwords for Users SYS and SYSTEM................ 2-23
Clauses that Simplify Database Creation and Management.......... 2-23
Creating a Locally Managed SYSTEM Tablespace .......................... 2-26
Specifying the Database Time Zone and Time Zone File ............... 2-28
Specifying FORCE LOGGING Mode .......... 2-29
Troubleshooting Database Creation ................. 2-31
Dropping a Database ..... 2-31
Considerations After Creating a Database ...... 2-31
Some Security Considerations ...................... 2-32
Installing Oracle’s Sample Schemas............. 2-33
Initialization Parameters and Database Creation................................. 2-34
Determining the Global Database Name .... 2-35
Specifying Control Files................................. 2-36
Specifying Database Block Sizes................... 2-37
Setting Initialization Parameters that Affect the Size of the SGA  2-38
Specifying the Maximum Number of Processes .............................. 2-41
Specifying the Method of Undo Space Management...................... 2-42
Setting License Parameters............................ 2-43
Managing Initialization Parameters Using a Server Parameter File  2-44
What is a Server Parameter File?.................. 2-44
Migrating to a Server Parameter File........... 2-45
Creating a Server Parameter File.................. 2-46
The SPFILE Initialization Parameter............ 2-47
Using ALTER SYSTEM to Change Initialization Parameter Values ................................... 2-47
Exporting the Server Parameter File ............ 2-49
Backing Up the Server Parameter File ......... 2-50
Errors and Recovery for the Server Parameter File ......................... 2-50
Viewing Parameter Settings .......................... 2-51
3 Using Oracle-Managed Files
What are Oracle-Managed Files? ......................... 3-2
Who Can Use Oracle-Managed Files? ........... 3-2
Benefits of Using Oracle-Managed Files ....... 3-3
Oracle-Managed Files and Existing Functionality............................. 3-4
Enabling the Creation and Use of Oracle-Managed Files..................... 3-4
Setting the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST Initialization Parameter....... 3-5
Setting the DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n Initialization Parameter ...................... 3-6
Creating Oracle-Managed Files............................ 3-6
How Oracle-Managed Files are Named........ 3-7
Creating Oracle-Managed Files at Database Creation ...................... 3-8
Creating Datafiles for Tablespaces ............... 3-14
Creating Tempfiles for Temporary Tablespaces .............................. 3-16
Creating Control Files .................................... 3-17
Creating Online Redo Log Files.................... 3-19
Behavior of Oracle-Managed Files .................... 3-21
Dropping Datafiles and Tempfiles............... 3-21
Dropping Online Redo Log Files.................. 3-22
Renaming Files.......... 3-22
Managing Standby Databases....................... 3-22
Scenarios for Using Oracle-Managed Files...... 3-22
Scenario 1: Create and Manage a Database with Multiplexed Online Redo Logs............ 3-23
Scenario 2: Add Oracle-Managed Files to an Existing Database ... 3-27
4 Starting Up and Shutting Down
Starting Up a Database .... 4-2
Options for Starting Up a Database ............... 4-2
Preparing to Start an Instance......................... 4-3
Using SQL*Plus to Start Up a Database ........ 4-3
Starting an Instance: Scenarios ....................... 4-5
Altering Database Availability ............................ 4-9
Mounting a Database to an Instance.............. 4-9
Opening a Closed Database .......................... 4-10
Opening a Database in Read-Only Mode ... 4-10
Restricting Access to an Open Database ..... 4-11
Shutting Down a Database ................................. 4-11
Shutting Down with the NORMAL Option ..................................... 4-12
Shutting Down with the IMMEDIATE Option................................ 4-12
Shutting Down with the TRANSACTIONAL Option .................... 4-13
Shutting Down with the ABORT Option.... 4-13
Quiescing a Database..... 4-14
Placing a Database into a Quiesced State.... 4-15
Restoring the System to Normal Operation ..................................... 4-16
Viewing the Quiesce State of an Instance ... 4-16
Suspending and Resuming a Database............ 4-17
Part II Oracle Server Processes and Storage Structure
5 Managing Oracle Processes
Server Processes ................ 5-2
Dedicated Server Processes............................. 5-2
Shared Server Processes................................... 5-3
Configuring Oracle for the Shared Server ......... 5-5
Initialization Parameters for Shared Server.. 5-5
Setting the Initial Number of Dispatchers (DISPATCHERS)........... 5-6
Setting the Initial Number of Shared Servers (SHARED_SERVERS) ................................... 5-7
Modifying Dispatcher and Server Processes  5-8
Monitoring Shared Server ............................. 5-10
About Oracle Background Processes ................ 5-11
Monitoring the Processes of an Oracle Instance................................... 5-13
Process and Session Views ............................ 5-14
Monitoring Locks...... 5-15
Trace Files and the Alert File ........................ 5-15
Managing Processes for Parallel Execution ..... 5-18
Managing the Parallel Execution Servers.... 5-18
Altering Parallel Execution for a Session .... 5-19
Managing Processes for External Procedures.. 5-20
Terminating Sessions ..... 5-21
Identifying Which Session to Terminate ..... 5-22
Terminating an Active Session ..................... 5-22
Terminating an Inactive Session................... 5-23
6 Managing Control Files
What Is a Control File?..... 6-2
Guidelines for Control Files ................................. 6-2
Provide Filenames for the Control Files ........ 6-2
Multiplex Control Files on Different Disks... 6-3
Place Control Files Appropriately.................. 6-3
Back Up Control Files. 6-3
Manage the Size of Control Files .................... 6-4
Creating Control Files ...... 6-4
Creating Initial Control Files........................... 6-4
Creating Additional Copies, Renaming, and Relocating Control Files ................................ 6-5
Creating New Control Files............................. 6-5
Troubleshooting After Creating Control Files .. 6-9
Checking for Missing or Extra Files ............... 6-9
Handling Errors During CREATE CONTROLFILE........................ 6-10
Backing Up Control Files .................................... 6-10
Recovering a Control File Using a Current Copy ................................. 6-10
Recovering from Control File Corruption Using a Control File Copy ............................... 6-10
Recovering from Permanent Media Failure Using a Control File Copy ............................ 6-11
Dropping Control Files.. 6-11
Displaying Control File Information................ 6-12
7 Managing the Online Redo Log
What Is the Online Redo Log?.............................. 7-2
Redo Threads............... 7-2
Online Redo Log Contents .............................. 7-2
How Oracle Writes to the Online Redo Log . 7-3
Planning the Online Redo Log............................. 7-5
Multiplexing Online Redo Log Files.............. 7-5
Placing Online Redo Log Members on Different Disks.................... 7-9
Setting the Size of Online Redo Log Members................................... 7-9
Choosing the Number of Online Redo Log Files............................. 7-10
Controlling Archive Lag................................ 7-10
Creating Online Redo Log Groups and Members ............................... 7-12
Creating Online Redo Log Groups .............. 7-13
Creating Online Redo Log Members ........... 7-13
Relocating and Renaming Online Redo Log Members ...................... 7-14
Dropping Online Redo Log Groups and Members............................. 7-16
Dropping Log Groups.................................... 7-16
Dropping Online Redo Log Members......... 7-17
Forcing Log Switches ..... 7-18
Verifying Blocks in Redo Log Files................... 7-18
Clearing an Online Redo Log File..................... 7-19
Viewing Online Redo Log Information ........... 7-20
8 Managing Archived Redo Logs
What Is the Archived Redo Log? ......................... 8-2
Choosing Between NOARCHIVELOG and ARCHIVELOG Mode... 8-2
Running a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode............................. 8-2
Running a Database in ARCHIVELOG Mode ................................... 8-3
Controlling Archiving...... 8-4
Setting the Initial Database Archiving Mode ..................................... 8-5
Changing the Database Archiving Mode...... 8-5
Enabling Automatic Archiving....................... 8-6
Disabling Automatic Archiving ..................... 8-8
Performing Manual Archiving ....................... 8-9
Specifying the Archive Destination.................... 8-9
Specifying Archive Destinations .................. 8-10
Understanding Archive Destination Status 8-12
Specifying the Mode of Log Transmission...... 8-14
Normal Transmission Mode ......................... 8-14
Standby Transmission Mode ........................ 8-14
Managing Archive Destination Failure............ 8-16
Specifying the Minimum Number of Successful Destinations ...... 8-16
Re-Archiving to a Failed Destination........... 8-18
Tuning Archive Performance by Specifying Multiple ARCn Processes................................ 8-19
Controlling Trace Output Generated by the Archivelog Process...... 8-21
Viewing Information About the Archived Redo Log .......................... 8-23
Dynamic Performance Views........................ 8-23
The ARCHIVE LOG LIST Command .......... 8-24
9 Using LogMiner to Analyze Redo Logs
Potential Uses for Data Stored in Redo Logs .... 9-2
Accessing Information Stored in Redo Logs ..... 9-3
Redo Logs and Dictionary Files ........................... 9-4
Redo Logs..................... 9-4
Dictionary Options ..... 9-5
Tracking DDL Statements................................ 9-9
LogMiner Recommendations and Restrictions..................................... 9-10
Recommendations .... 9-10
Restrictions................. 9-11
Filtering Data That is Returned ......................... 9-12
Showing Only Committed Transactions ..... 9-12
Skipping Redo Corruptions .......................... 9-14
Filtering Data By Time ................................... 9-14
Filtering Data By SCN.................................... 9-15
Accessing LogMiner Information...................... 9-15
Querying V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS .............. 9-16
Executing Reconstructed SQL Statements .. 9-17
Formatting of Returned Data........................ 9-17
Extracting Actual Data Values from Redo Logs .................................... 9-18
NULL Returns From the MINE_VALUE Function ......................... 9-18
Usage Rules for the MINE_VALUE and COLUMN_PRESENT Functions ....................... 9-19
Supplemental Logging... 9-19
Database Supplemental Logging.................. 9-20
Table Supplemental Logging ........................ 9-22
Steps in a Typical LogMiner Session ................ 9-23
Perform Initial Setup Activities .................... 9-24
Extract a Dictionary.. 9-24
Specify Redo Logs for Analysis.................... 9-24
Start a LogMiner Session ............................... 9-26
Query V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS ............... 9-28
End a LogMiner Session ................................ 9-28
Example Uses of LogMiner................................. 9-28
Example: Using LogMiner to Track Changes Made By a Specific User............................. 9-28
Example: Using LogMiner to Calculate Table Access Statistics .... 9-30
10 Managing Job Queues
Enabling Processes Used for Executing Jobs... 10-2
Managing Job Queues ... 10-3
The DBMS_JOB Package................................ 10-3
Submitting a Job to the Job Queue ............... 10-4
How Jobs Execute..... 10-9
Removing a Job from the Job Queue ......... 10-10
Altering a Job........... 10-11
Broken Jobs .............. 10-12
Forcing a Job to Execute............................... 10-14
Terminating a Job ... 10-14
Viewing Job Queue Information ..................... 10-15
Displaying Information About a Job ......... 10-15
Displaying Information About Running Jobs ................................ 10-15
11 Managing Tablespaces
Guidelines for Managing Tablespaces ............. 11-2
Use Multiple Tablespaces.............................. 11-2
Specify Tablespace Default Storage Parameters .............................. 11-3
Assign Tablespace Quotas to Users ............. 11-3
Creating Tablespaces...... 11-3
Locally Managed Tablespaces ...................... 11-5
Dictionary-Managed Tablespaces .............. 11-10
Temporary Tablespaces............................... 11-12
Coalescing Free Space in Dictionary-Managed Tablespaces ........... 11-16
How Oracle Coalesces Free Space.............. 11-16
Manually Coalescing Free Space ................ 11-17
Monitoring Free Space ................................. 11-18
Specifying Nonstandard Block Sizes for Tablespaces....................... 11-19
Controlling the Writing of Redo Records ...... 11-20
Altering Tablespace Availability ..................... 11-21
Taking Tablespaces Offline ......................... 11-21
Bringing Tablespaces Online....................... 11-23
Altering the Availability of Datafiles or Tempfiles........................ 11-23
Using Read-Only Tablespaces.......................... 11-24
Making a Tablespace Read-Only................ 11-25
Making a Read-Only Tablespace Writable ..................................... 11-27
Creating a Read-Only Tablespace on a WORM Device................ 11-27
Delaying the Opening of Datafiles in Read Only Tablespaces .... 11-28
Dropping Tablespaces.. 11-29
Diagnosing and Repairing Locally Managed Tablespace Problems .................................... 11-30
Scenario 1: Fixing Bitmap When Allocated Blocks are Marked Free (No Overlap) ....... 11-32
Scenario 2: Dropping a Corrupted Segment................................... 11-32
Scenario 3: Fixing Bitmap Where Overlap is Reported................. 11-32
Scenario 4: Correcting Media Corruption of Bitmap Blocks ........ 11-33
Scenario 5: Migrating from a Dictionary-Managed to a Locally Managed Tablespace . 11-33
Migrating the SYSTEM Tablespace to a Locally Managed Tablespace................................ 11-34
Transporting Tablespaces Between Databases.................................... 11-34
Introduction to Transportable Tablespaces .................................... 11-35
Limitations ............... 11-36
Compatibility Considerations for Transportable Tablespaces..... 11-36
Transporting Tablespaces Between Databases: A Procedure ...... 11-37
Object Behaviors ..... 11-43
Using Transportable Tablespaces............... 11-46
Viewing Tablespace Information..................... 11-50
Listing Tablespaces and Default Storage Parameters: Example .. 11-51
Listing the Datafiles and Associated Tablespaces of a Database: Example ..................... 11-51
Displaying Statistics for Free Space (Extents) of Each Tablespace: Example................... 11-51
12 Managing Datafiles
Guidelines for Managing Datafiles................... 12-2
Determine the Number of Datafiles............. 12-2
Determine the Size of Datafiles .................... 12-4
Place Datafiles Appropriately....................... 12-4
Store Datafiles Separate from Redo Log Files .................................. 12-4
Creating Datafiles and Adding Datafiles to a Tablespace................... 12-5
Changing a Datafile’s Size .................................. 12-6
Enabling and Disabling Automatic Extension for a Datafile ......... 12-6
Manually Resizing a Datafile........................ 12-7
Altering Datafile Availability............................. 12-8
Bringing Datafiles Online or Taking Offline in ARCHIVELOG Mode .............................. 12-9
Taking Datafiles Offline in NOARCHIVELOG Mode .................... 12-9
Altering the Availability of All Datafiles or Tempfiles in a Tablespace............................. 12-9
Renaming and Relocating Datafiles................ 12-10
Renaming and Relocating Datafiles for a Single Tablespace ....... 12-11
Renaming and Relocating Datafiles for Multiple Tablespaces .... 12-13
Dropping Datafiles ....... 12-14
Verifying Data Blocks in Datafiles .................. 12-14
Mapping Files to Physical Devices ................. 12-15
Overview of Oracle’s File Mapping Interface ................................ 12-16
How Oracle’s File Mapping Interface Works................................. 12-16
Using Oracle’s File Mapping Interface...... 12-21
File Mapping Examples ............................... 12-25
Viewing Datafile Information .................... 12-28
13 Managing Undo Space
What is Undo? ................. 13-2
Specifying the Mode for Undo Space Management............................ 13-3
Starting an Instance in Automatic Undo Management Mode ....... 13-3
Starting an Instance in Manual Undo Management Mode ............ 13-4
Managing Undo Tablespaces.............................. 13-5
Creating an Undo Tablespace....................... 13-6
Altering an Undo Tablespace ....................... 13-7
Dropping an Undo Tablespace..................... 13-7
Switching Undo Tablespaces ........................ 13-8
Establishing User Quotas for Undo Space .. 13-9
Specifying the Retention Period for Undo Information.................. 13-9
Viewing Information About Undo Space.. 13-11
Managing Rollback Segments.......................... 13-13
Guidelines for Managing Rollback Segments ................................ 13-13
Creating Rollback Segments........................ 13-19
Altering Rollback Segments ........................ 13-21
Explicitly Assigning a Transaction to a Rollback Segment .......... 13-24
Dropping Rollback Segments...................... 13-25
Viewing Rollback Segment Information ... 13-25
Part III Schema Objects
14 Managing Space for Schema Objects
Managing Space in Data Blocks......................... 14-2
Specifying the PCTFREE Parameter ............ 14-2
Specifying the PCTUSED Parameter ........... 14-5
Selecting Associated PCTUSED and PCTFREE Values .................. 14-7
Specifying the Transaction Entry Parameters: INITRANS and MAXTRANS................... 14-8
Setting Storage Parameters ................................. 14-8
Identifying the Storage Parameters.............. 14-9
Setting Default Storage Parameters for Segments in a Tablespace ................................... 14-11
Setting Storage Parameters for Data Segments .............................. 14-11
Setting Storage Parameters for Index Segments............................. 14-12
Setting Storage Parameters for LOBs, Varrays, and Nested Tables .................................. 14-12
Changing Values for Storage Parameters . 14-13
Understanding Precedence in Storage Parameters........................ 14-13
Example of How Storage Parameters Effect Space Allocation .... 14-14
Managing Resumable Space Allocation......... 14-14
Resumable Space Allocation Overview..... 14-15
Enabling and Disabling Resumable Space Allocation................... 14-19
Detecting Suspended Statements ............... 14-21
Resumable Space Allocation Example: Registering an AFTER SUSPEND Trigger........ 14-23
Deallocating Space........ 14-25
Viewing the High Water Mark ................... 14-25
Issuing Space Deallocation Statements ..... 14-26
Examples of Deallocating Space................. 14-26
Understanding Space Use of Datatypes......... 14-29
15 Managing Tables
Guidelines for Managing Tables ....................... 15-2
Design Tables Before Creating Them .......... 15-2
Specify How Data Block Space Is to Be Used................................... 15-2
Specify the Location of Each Table .............. 15-3
Consider Parallelizing Table Creation......... 15-4
Consider Using NOLOGGING When Creating Tables .................. 15-4
Estimate Table Size and Set Storage Parameters ............................. 15-4
Plan for Large Tables ..................................... 15-5
Table Restrictions...... 15-6
Creating Tables................ 15-6
Creating a Table ....... 15-7
Creating a Temporary Table ......................... 15-8
Parallelizing Table Creation.......................... 15-8
Automatically Collecting Statistics on Tables .................................. 15-9
Altering Tables .............. 15-10
Altering Physical Attributes of a Table ..... 15-11
Moving a Table to a New Segment or Tablespace......................... 15-12
Manually Allocating Storage for a Table .. 15-12
Modifying an Existing Column’s Definition .................................. 15-13
Adding Table Columns ............................... 15-13
Renaming Table Columns ........................... 15-14
Dropping Table Columns............................ 15-14
Redefining Tables Online ................................. 15-16
Features of Online Table Redefinition....... 15-16
The DBMS_REDEFINITION Package ....... 15-17
Steps for Online Redefinition of Tables..... 15-17
Intermediate Synchronization .................... 15-19
Abort and Cleanup After Errors................. 15-20
Example of Online Table Redefinition ...... 15-20
Restrictions............... 15-22
Dropping Tables............ 15-23
Managing Index-Organized Tables................. 15-24
What are Index-Organized Tables.............. 15-24
Creating Index-Organized Tables .............. 15-25
Maintaining Index-Organized Tables........ 15-30
Analyzing Index-Organized Tables ........... 15-32
Using the ORDER BY Clause with Index-Organized Tables ....... 15-33
Converting Index-Organized Tables to Regular Tables................ 15-33
Managing External Tables................................. 15-33
Creating External Tables.............................. 15-35
Altering External Tables .............................. 15-38
Dropping External Tables............................ 15-39
System and Object Privileges for External Tables.......................... 15-39
Viewing Information About Tables ................ 15-40
16 Managing Indexes
Guidelines for Managing Indexes..................... 16-2
Create Indexes After Inserting Table Data.. 16-3
Index the Correct Tables and Columns ....... 16-4
Order Index Columns for Performance....... 16-5
Limit the Number of Indexes for Each Table.................................... 16-5
Drop Indexes That Are No Longer Required .................................. 16-5
Specify Index Block Space Use...................... 16-5
Estimate Index Size and Set Storage Parameters ............................. 16-6
Specify the Tablespace for Each Index......... 16-6
Consider Parallelizing Index Creation ........ 16-7
Consider Creating Indexes with NOLOGGING .............................. 16-7
Consider Costs and Benefits of Coalescing or Rebuilding Indexes..................................... 16-8
Consider Cost Before Disabling or Dropping Constraints ............. 16-9
Creating Indexes.............. 16-9
Creating an Index Explicitly........................ 16-10
Creating a Unique Index Explicitly............ 16-11
Creating an Index Associated with a Constraint ........................... 16-11
Collecting Incidental Statistics when Creating an Index .............. 16-13
Creating a Large Index ................................ 16-13
Creating an Index Online ............................ 16-13
Creating a Function-Based Index ............... 16-14
Creating a Key-Compressed Index ............ 16-18
Altering Indexes............ 16-19
Altering Storage Characteristics of an Index .................................. 16-20
Rebuilding an Existing Index...................... 16-20
Monitoring Index Usage.............................. 16-21
Monitoring Space Use of Indexes.................... 16-21
Dropping Indexes ......... 16-22
Viewing Index Information .............................. 16-23
17 Managing Partitioned Tables and Indexes
What Are Partitioned Tables and Indexes?...... 17-2
Partitioning Methods ..... 17-3
When to Use the Range Partitioning Method................................... 17-4
When to Use the Hash Partitioning Method .................................... 17-5
When to Use the List Partitioning Method . 17-5
When to Use the Composite Range-Hash Partitioning Method.... 17-7
When to Use the Composite Range-List Partitioning Method ...... 17-8
Creating Partitioned Tables .............................. 17-10
Creating Range-Partitioned Tables ............ 17-11
Creating Hash-Partitioned Tables.............. 17-12
Creating List-Partitioned Tables................. 17-13
Creating Composite Range-Hash Partitioned Tables ................... 17-14
Creating Composite Range-List Partitioned Tables ...................... 17-15
Using Subpartition Templates to Describe Composite Partitioned Tables...................... 17-17
Creating Partitioned Index-Organized Tables ............................... 17-19
Partitioning Restrictions for Multiple Block Sizes ......................... 17-22
Maintaining Partitioned Tables ....................... 17-22
Updating Global Indexes Automatically .. 17-26
Adding Partitions ... 17-27
Coalescing Partitions.................................... 17-31
Dropping Partitions 17-32
Exchanging Partitions .................................. 17-35
Merging Partitions.. 17-38
Modifying Default Attributes ..................... 17-43
Modifying Real Attributes of Partitions .... 17-44
Modifying List Partitions: Adding Values 17-45
Modifying List Partitions: Dropping Values .................................. 17-46
Modifying a Subpartition Template........... 17-48
Moving Partitions ... 17-48
Rebuilding Index Partitions ........................ 17-50
Renaming Partitions ..................................... 17-51
Splitting Partitions .. 17-52
Truncating Partitions.................................... 17-59
Partitioned Tables and Indexes Examples...... 17-61
Moving the Time Window in a Historical Table............................ 17-61
Converting a Partition View into a Partitioned Table................... 17-62
Viewing Information About Partitioned Tables and Indexes.......... 17-64
18 Managing Clusters
Guidelines for Managing Clusters.................... 18-2
Choose Appropriate Tables for the Cluster  18-4
Choose Appropriate Columns for the Cluster Key ......................... 18-4
Specify Data Block Space Use ....................... 18-5
Specify the Space Required by an Average Cluster Key and Its Associated Rows .......... 18-5
Specify the Location of Each Cluster and Cluster Index Rows...... 18-6
Estimate Cluster Size and Set Storage Parameters........................... 18-6
Creating Clusters............. 18-6
Creating Clustered Tables ............................. 18-7
Creating Cluster Indexes ............................... 18-8
Altering Clusters ............. 18-8
Altering Clustered Tables.............................. 18-9
Altering Cluster Indexes.............................. 18-10
Dropping Clusters ........ 18-10
Dropping Clustered Tables ......................... 18-11
Dropping Cluster Indexes ........................... 18-11
Viewing Information About Clusters ............. 18-11
19 Managing Hash Clusters
When to Use Hash Clusters ................................ 19-2
Situations Where Hashing Is Useful............ 19-3
Situations Where Hashing Is Not Advantageous............................ 19-3
Creating Hash Clusters.. 19-4
Creating Single-Table Hash Clusters........... 19-5
Controlling Space Use Within a Hash Cluster ................................. 19-5
Estimating Size Required by Hash Clusters ..................................... 19-8
Altering Hash Clusters .. 19-9
Dropping Hash Clusters 19-9
Viewing Information About Hash Clusters .... 19-9
20 Managing Views, Sequences, and Synonyms
Managing Views ............. 20-2
Creating Views.......... 20-2
Updating a Join View..................................... 20-5
Altering Views ........ 20-10
Dropping Views...... 20-10
Replacing Views ..... 20-10
Managing Sequences ... 20-11
Creating Sequences  20-12
Altering Sequences . 20-13
Dropping Sequences .................................... 20-13
Managing Synonyms ... 20-13
Creating Synonyms  20-14
Dropping Synonyms .................................... 20-14
Viewing Information About Views, Synonyms, and Sequences .... 20-15
21 General Management of Schema Objects
Creating Multiple Tables and Views in a Single Operation .............. 21-2
Renaming Schema Objects ................................. 21-3
Analyzing Tables, Indexes, and Clusters ......... 21-3
Collecting Statistics for Tables, Indexes, and Clusters.................... 21-4
Validating Tables, Indexes, Clusters, and Materialized Views ..... 21-6
Listing Chained Rows of Tables and Clusters.................................. 21-7
Truncating Tables and Clusters.......................... 21-9
Using DELETE ........ 21-10
Using DROP and CREATE.......................... 21-10
Using TRUNCATE . 21-10
Enabling and Disabling Triggers..................... 21-11
Enabling Triggers.... 21-13
Disabling Triggers .. 21-13
Managing Integrity Constraints....................... 21-14
Integrity Constraint States........................... 21-15
Setting Integrity Constraints Upon Definition ............................... 21-17
Modifying, Renaming, or Dropping Existing Integrity Constraints................................. 21-18
Deferring Constraint Checks....................... 21-20
Reporting Constraint Exceptions................ 21-21
Viewing Constraint Information ................ 21-23
Managing Object Dependencies...................... 21-23
Manually Recompiling Views..................... 21-25
Manually Recompiling Procedures and Functions........................ 21-25
Manually Recompiling Packages ............... 21-25
Managing Object Name Resolution................ 21-25
Changing Storage Parameters for the Data Dictionary ..................... 21-27
Structures in the Data Dictionary ............... 21-28
Errors that Require Changing Data Dictionary Storage ............... 21-30
Displaying Information About Schema Objects ................................ 21-30
Using PL/SQL Packages to Display Information About Schema Objects ....................... 21-30
Using Views to Display Information About Schema Objects ...... 21-32
22 Detecting and Repairing Data Block Corruption
Options for Repairing Data Block Corruption 22-2
About the DBMS_REPAIR Package.................. 22-2
DBMS_REPAIR Procedures .......................... 22-2
Limitations and Restrictions ......................... 22-3
Using the DBMS_REPAIR Package .................. 22-3
Task 1: Detect and Report Corruptions ....... 22-4
Task 2: Evaluate the Costs and Benefits of Using DBMS_REPAIR ..................................... 22-5
Task 3: Make Objects Usable......................... 22-7
Task 4: Repair Corruptions and Rebuild Lost Data......................... 22-7
DBMS_REPAIR Examples .................................. 22-8
Using ADMIN_TABLES to Build a Repair Table or Orphan Key Table............................ 22-9
Using the CHECK_OBJECT Procedure to Detect Corruption ..... 22-10
Fixing Corrupt Blocks with the FIX_CORRUPT_BLOCKS Procedure............................. 22-12
Finding Index Entries Pointing into Corrupt Data Blocks: DUMP_ORPHAN_KEYS... 22-13
Rebuilding Free Lists Using the REBUILD_FREELISTS Procedure ................................. 22-13
Enabling or Disabling the Skipping of Corrupt Blocks: SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS..... 22-14
Part IV Database Security
23 Establishing Security Policies
System Security Policy... 23-2
Database User Management ......................... 23-2
User Authentication . 23-2
Operating System Security............................ 23-3
Data Security Policy ....... 23-3
User Security Policy ....... 23-4
General User Security .................................... 23-4
End-User Security..... 23-6
Administrator Security .................................. 23-8
Application Developer Security ................. 23-10
Application Administrator Security .......... 23-12
Password Management Policy ......................... 23-12
Account Locking..... 23-13
Password Aging and Expiration ................ 23-14
Password History ... 23-15
Password Complexity Verification ............ 23-16
Auditing Policy ............. 23-20
A Security Checklist..... 23-20
24 Managing Users and Resources
Managing Oracle Users . 24-2
Creating Users........... 24-2
Altering Users............ 24-6
Dropping Users......... 24-7
User Authentication Methods ............................ 24-8
Database Authentication ............................... 24-9
External Authentication............................... 24-11
Global Authentication and Authorization  24-13
Proxy Authentication and Authorization . 24-16
Managing Resources with Profiles .................. 24-18
Enabling and Disabling Resource Limits .. 24-19
Creating Profiles ..... 24-20
Assigning Profiles... 24-20
Altering Profiles ...... 24-21
Using Composite Limits .............................. 24-21
Dropping Profiles ... 24-23
Viewing Information About Database Users and Profiles ............... 24-23
Listing All Users and Associated Information ............................... 24-25
Listing All Tablespace Quotas .................... 24-25
Listing All Profiles and Assigned Limits .. 24-25
Viewing Memory Use for Each User Session ................................. 24-26
25 Managing User Privileges and Roles
Understanding User Privileges and Roles ....... 25-2
System Privileges ...... 25-2
Object Privileges........ 25-4
User Roles .................. 25-5
Managing User Roles ..... 25-6
Creating a Role .......... 25-7
Specifying the Type of Role Authorization. 25-8
Dropping Roles ....... 25-10
Granting User Privileges and Roles ................ 25-11
Granting System Privileges and Roles....... 25-11
Granting Object Privileges........................... 25-12
Revoking User Privileges and Roles............... 25-16
Revoking System Privileges and Roles...... 25-16
Revoking Object Privileges ......................... 25-16
Cascading Effects of Revoking Privileges. 25-19
Granting to and Revoking from the User Group PUBLIC ............... 25-20
When Do Grants and Revokes Take Effect? .. 25-20
The SET ROLE Statement............................ 25-21
Specifying Default Roles.............................. 25-21
Restricting the Number of Roles that a User Can Enable............. 25-22
Granting Roles Using the Operating System or Network ............... 25-22
Using Operating System Role Identification .................................. 25-23
Using Operating System Role Management .................................. 25-25
Granting and Revoking Roles When OS_ROLES=TRUE............. 25-25
Enabling and Disabling Roles When OS_ROLES=TRUE ............. 25-25
Using Network Connections with Operating System Role Management ....................... 25-25
Viewing Privilege and Role Information....... 25-26
Listing All System Privilege Grants........... 25-27
Listing All Role Grants ................................ 25-28
Listing Object Privileges Granted to a User.................................... 25-28
Listing the Current Privilege Domain of Your Session................. 25-29
Listing Roles of the Database...................... 25-30
Listing Information About the Privilege Domains of Roles......... 25-30
26 Auditing Database Use
Guidelines for Auditing 26-2
Decide Whether to Use the Database or Operating System Audit Trail ............................ 26-2
Keep Audited Information Manageable ..... 26-3
Guidelines for Auditing Suspicious Database Activity .................. 26-3
Guidelines for Auditing Normal Database Activity ....................... 26-4
What Information is Contained in the Audit Trail?............................. 26-4
Information Stored in the Database Audit Trail .............................. 26-4
Information Stored in an Operating System File ............................. 26-5
Actions Audited by Default................................ 26-6
Auditing Administrative Users.......................... 26-6
Managing the Audit Trail.................................... 26-7
Enabling and Disabling Auditing ................ 26-8
Setting Auditing Options .............................. 26-9
Auditing in a Multi-Tier Environment ...... 26-13
Turning Off Audit Options ......................... 26-13
Controlling the Growth and Size of the Audit Trail...................... 26-15
Protecting the Audit Trail............................ 26-18
Fine-Grained Auditing  26-18
Viewing Database Audit Trail Information... 26-19
Creating the Audit Trail Views................... 26-19
Deleting the Audit Trail Views................... 26-20
Using Audit Trail Views to Investigate Suspicious Activities ..... 26-20
Part V Database Resource Management
27 Using the Database Resource Manager
What Is the Database Resource Manager? ....... 27-2
What Problems Does the Database Resource Manager Address?. 27-2
How Does the Database Resource Manager Address These Problems? ............................ 27-2
What are the Elements of the Database Resource Manager? ......... 27-3
Understanding Resource Plans..................... 27-4
Administering the Database Resource Manager .................................. 27-8
Creating a Simple Resource Plan..................... 27-10
Creating Complex Resource Plans................... 27-11
Using the Pending Area for Creating Plan Schemas ..................... 27-12
Creating Resource Plans .............................. 27-14
Creating Resource Consumer Groups....... 27-16
Specifying Resource Plan Directives.......... 27-17
Managing Resource Consumer Groups.......... 27-20
Assigning an Initial Resource Consumer Group ........................... 27-21
Changing Resource Consumer Groups..... 27-21
Managing the Switch Privilege................... 27-22
Enabling the Database Resource Manager .... 27-24
Putting It All Together: Database Resource Manager Examples..... 27-25
Multilevel Schema Example........................ 27-25
Example of Using Several Resource Allocation Methods............. 27-27
An Oracle Supplied Plan ............................. 27-28
Monitoring and Tuning the Database Resource Manager................ 27-29
Creating the Environment........................... 27-29
Why Is This Necessary to Produce Expected Results?.................. 27-30
Monitoring Results . 27-31
Viewing Database Resource Manager Information........................... 27-31
Viewing Consumer Groups Granted to Users or Roles................ 27-32
Viewing Plan Schema Information ............ 27-33
Viewing Current Consumer Groups for Sessions ......................... 27-33
Viewing the Currently Active Plans .......... 27-34
Part VI Distributed Database Management
28 Distributed Database Concepts
Distributed Database Architecture ................... 28-2
Homogenous Distributed Database Systems ................................... 28-2
Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems ................................ 28-5
Client/Server Database Architecture .......... 28-6
Database Links................ 28-8
What Are Database Links? ............................ 28-8
What Are Shared Database Links?............. 28-10
Why Use Database Links?........................... 28-11
Global Database Names in Database Links .................................... 28-12
Names for Database Links .......................... 28-14
Types of Database Links.............................. 28-15
Users of Database Links............................... 28-16
Creation of Database Links: Examples ...... 28-19
Schema Objects and Database Links.......... 28-20
Database Link Restrictions.......................... 28-22
Distributed Database Administration............ 28-23
Site Autonomy ........ 28-24
Distributed Database Security .................... 28-24
Auditing Database Links............................. 28-31
Administration Tools ................................... 28-31
Transaction Processing in a Distributed System ................................ 28-33
Remote SQL Statements .............................. 28-33
Distributed SQL Statements........................ 28-34
Shared SQL for Remote and Distributed Statements .................... 28-34
Remote Transactions .................................... 28-35
Distributed Transactions.............................. 28-35
Two-Phase Commit Mechanism................. 28-35
Database Link Name Resolution ................ 28-36
Schema Object Name Resolution................ 28-38
Global Name Resolution in Views, Synonyms, and Procedures. 28-42
Distributed Database Application Development............................... 28-44
Transparency in a Distributed Database System ........................... 28-44
Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) ................. 28-46
Distributed Query Optimization ................ 28-47
Character Set Support for Distributed Environments....................... 28-47
Client/Server Environment ........................ 28-48
Homogeneous Distributed Environment.. 28-48
Heterogeneous Distributed Environment. 28-49
29 Managing a Distributed Database
Managing Global Names in a Distributed System .............................. 29-2
Understanding How Global Database Names Are Formed........... 29-2
Determining Whether Global Naming Is Enforced......................... 29-3
Viewing a Global Database Name................ 29-4
Changing the Domain in a Global Database Name......................... 29-4
Changing a Global Database Name: Scenario .................................. 29-5
Creating Database Links ..................................... 29-8
Obtaining Privileges Necessary for Creating Database Links ....... 29-8
Specifying Link Types.................................... 29-9
Specifying Link Users................................... 29-11
Using Connection Qualifiers to Specify Service Names Within Link Names ................. 29-13
Creating Shared Database Links...................... 29-14
Determining Whether to Use Shared Database Links................... 29-14
Creating Shared Database Links................. 29-15
Configuring Shared Database Links .......... 29-16
Managing Database Links................................. 29-18
Closing Database Links................................ 29-19
Dropping Database Links............................ 29-19
Limiting the Number of Active Database Link Connections....... 29-20
Viewing Information About Database Links 29-21
Determining Which Links Are in the Database ............................. 29-21
Determining Which Link Connections Are Open ......................... 29-24
Creating Location Transparency ...................... 29-26
Using Views to Create Location Transparency.............................. 29-26
Using Synonyms to Create Location Transparency ...................... 29-28
Using Procedures to Create Location Transparency..................... 29-30
Managing Statement Transparency................. 29-32
Managing a Distributed Database: Scenarios..................................... 29-34
Creating a Public Fixed User Database Link .................................. 29-34
Creating a Public Fixed User Shared Database Link..................... 29-35
Creating a Public Connected User Database Link......................... 29-35
Creating a Public Connected User Shared Database Link............ 29-36
Creating a Public Current User Database Link .............................. 29-37
30 Developing Applications for a Distributed Database System
Managing the Distribution of an Application’s Data.......................... 30-2
Controlling Connections Established by Database Links.................. 30-2
Maintaining Referential Integrity in a Distributed System............... 30-3
Tuning Distributed Queries ............................... 30-3
Using Collocated Inline Views ..................... 30-4
Using Cost-Based Optimization ................... 30-5
Using Hints................ 30-8
Analyzing the Execution Plan....................... 30-9
Handling Errors in Remote Procedures.......... 30-11
31 Distributed Transactions Concepts
What Are Distributed Transactions?................. 31-2
Session Trees for Distributed Transactions ..... 31-4
Clients......................... 31-5
Database Servers....... 31-5
Local Coordinators ... 31-6
Global Coordinator... 31-6
Commit Point Site..... 31-6
Two-Phase Commit Mechanism ..................... 31-10
Prepare Phase .......... 31-11
Commit Phase ......... 31-14
Forget Phase............. 31-15
In-Doubt Transactions.. 31-15
Automatic Resolution of In-Doubt Transactions ........................... 31-16
Manual Resolution of In-Doubt Transactions ................................ 31-18
Relevance of System Change Numbers for In-Doubt Transactions.................................. 31-19
Distributed Transaction Processing: Case Study................................ 31-19
Stage 1: Client Application Issues DML Statements...................... 31-19
Stage 2: Oracle Determines Commit Point Site .............................. 31-21
Stage 3: Global Coordinator Sends Prepare Response .................. 31-21
Stage 4: Commit Point Site Commits ......... 31-23
Stage 5: Commit Point Site Informs Global Coordinator of Commit................................ 31-23
Stage 6: Global and Local Coordinators Tell All Nodes to Commit ................................. 31-24
Stage 7: Global Coordinator and Commit Point Site Complete the Commit................... 31-24
32 Managing Distributed Transactions
Specifying the Commit Point Strength of a Node................................ 32-2
Naming Transactions...... 32-2
Viewing Information About Distributed Transactions....................... 32-3
Determining the ID Number and Status of Prepared Transactions.................................... 32-3
Tracing the Session Tree of In-Doubt Transactions ......................... 32-5
Deciding How to Handle In-Doubt Transactions................................. 32-7
Discovering Problems with a Two-Phase Commit.......................... 32-8
Determining Whether to Perform a Manual Override.................... 32-9
Analyzing the Transaction Data ................... 32-9
Manually Overriding In-Doubt Transactions ..................................... 32-10
Manually Committing an In-Doubt Transaction ........................... 32-11
Manually Rolling Back an In-Doubt Transaction........................... 32-12
Purging Pending Rows from the Data Dictionary ............................. 32-13
Executing the PURGE_LOST_DB_ENTRY Procedure.................. 32-13
Determining When to Use DBMS_TRANSACTION..................... 32-14
Manually Committing an In-Doubt Transaction: Example .............. 32-15
Step 1: Record User Feedback ..................... 32-16
Step 2: Query DBA_2PC_PENDING ......... 32-16
Step 3: Query DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS on Local Node ............... 32-18
Step 4: Querying Data Dictionary Views on All Nodes................ 32-19
Step 5: Commit the In-Doubt Transaction  32-22
Step 6: Check for Mixed Outcome Using DBA_2PC_PENDING  32-22
Data Access Failures Due To Locks................. 32-23
Transaction Timeouts................................... 32-23
Locks from In-Doubt Transactions ............ 32-24
Simulating Distributed Transaction Failure.. 32-24
Managing Read Consistency ............................ 32-25
Total 0

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